Oh, it's hard to believe it. The reason to own Recycle, that *ahem* older once-miracle of modern sampling has now past. No longer do you need to encode audio files in another application, outside of Reason. Now, you can convert audio files within Reason, into Rex files. Which, of course, are the loop files that Dr. Octo Rex eats for breakfast.
So, why, with Reason's amazing time stretching ability would this feature even be relevant? Well, if you've ever gone into the editor of Dr. Octo Rex, and have actually messed around with features like the Amp envelope, Filter envelope, or you've applied an LFO to a loop. Or, if you've ever modified the pan, pitch, or filter frequency of individual slices within a REX file... Well, you know you can take loops to a very different place.
In short, REX files are still amazing, relevant and because you can now easily create your own REX files life has gotten much better.
When you load the pack, reason will un encrypt it and unpack it into wav and either and I believe REX files, may sfz, but that doesn't seem right. The just cut and past the multi samples to another folder and import them into the program you are using. Most will read rex files and if not a rex file reader is either free or dirt cheap. The only doable wpp to wav conversion seems to related to the export of Wavepad audio projects (.wpp) as standard PCM audio files, likely after some editing to the file. Done through the default Save/Export function in the program. Unfortunately, no other program can convert wpp to wav, so using WavePad appears to be your only choice.
So, how do you do it?
How to Convert RX2 to WAV (CONVERT REX FILES TO WAV FILES) in Reaper CONVERT RX2 TO WAV (BATCH PROCESSING) I used Reaper v4.261 to successfully convert a number of.rx2 files to.wav Continue reading.
Step 1 - Create a Beat
Though there are other ways to do this, let's go about it with some drums from Reason first. After all, Dr. Octo Rex is really into drum loops, right? Create a Redrum drum machine, and load up your favorite kit. Once this has been accomplished, create a nice beat that you enjoy.
Step 2 - Create an Audio File

Now that you have a beat, let's convert it to audio. First, in the Sequencer page, set your loop locators to 1-2 measures apart...
Go to the File > Bounce Mixer Channels...
In the Bounce Mixer Channels page, check Redrum 1 as your selected channel. Set your Range to Bounce as Loop, this will keep the length short for Dr. Octo Rex. Finally, select New tracks in song with the MuteOriginal Channels checkbox ticked and hit OK. This will put the audio file in your sequencer, and mute the original Redrum channel, so that you don't have overlap.
Once the bounce is complete, you'll have a nice little audio file in your sequencer, waiting to be converted.
Step 3 - Convert Audio to Rex
Now that you have an audio file to work with, let's make it REX! Double-click on the audio file to go into Edit Mode...
In this mode, you can eliminate slice markers, or add them. These are the markers that will be used to slice up the different transients within the loop. You can use the pencil tool to add markers. To delete a marker, select it and press the delete button. Once you're feeling good about your audio file, right-click on it and select Bounce > Bounce Clip to New REX Loop.
Step 4 - Get it to the Dr.
Once the REX bounce is complete, you'll see the new REX file in the Tool window. The next part is easy. Press the To Rack button.
What happens next is really cool. A Dr. Octo Rex will be created with your loop placed snuggly inside...
And there you have it! Instant REX loop! You can use this feature to create an amazing library of REX files of your own.

Rex To Wav File Converter Mp4
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Conversion of the file format from RX2 to WAV
A file conversion is just a change of the file that was created in one program (RX2 file) to a form intelligible for another program (i.e. WAV format). There are many websites offering file conversion of RX2 to WAV files 'Online' - without having to download a special program to your computer. However, if you have not found the appropriate RX2 file converter in the Internet, you can use our list of programs to cope with the conversion of the RX2 to WAV file.
Conversion from RX2 to WAV
Online Mp3 To Wav Converter Free
How to convert the RX2 file to WAV?
If you have already downloaded one of the converters and installed it on your computer, you can proceed to the appropriate conversion process of RX2 to WAV. Handling all the programs is usually very intuitive and is based on the same pattern of conduct. We will briefly discuss a few steps that you always need to go through while changing the format of the RX2 file:
Youtube Wav File Converter
- Please indicate on your computer the source file RX2, the format of which you are going to change
- Load the RX2 file to the application
- Select the output format of the WAV file (the one that we want to achieve)
- Select the location to save the output file WAV on the disk (the place where the program will save the converted file)
- Confirm conversion
- Wait for a moment
- Enjoy the converted WAV file that can be found in the location selected in step 4
I cannot see the file extensions. What should I do?
File extensions are not normally displayed to users. To change this, go to Control Panel, select Appearance and Personalization and Folder Options. Next, select the View and find the option 'Hide extensions for known file types'. The option should be deselected (cleared) and confirmed with OK.