An illustration of two cells of a film strip. Suzuki Violin Method Vol 02. Topics Shinichi Suzuki. SINGLE PAGE PROCESSED JP2 ZIP download.
Update from Alfred Music Publishing, 1/25/13
Concerning availability of Suzuki recordings as mp3 downloads
Responding to requests from members, the International Suzuki Association began working with Alfred Music Publishing approximately a year ago to make the Suzuki recordings available as mp3 downloads. We are very excited to let you know that this summer recordings will become available at, beginning with the first volumes of violin, viola, cello, and bass.
The request is in to iTunes and Amazon to also carry the recordings, but Alfred has no control over when this will happen. For pedagogical reasons, the ISA made the decision that the recordings will be sold by book as albums, rather than as individual pieces. Alfred is pleased to make this option available.

Also working with new technology, these same volumes will be released as eBooks later in 2013 through the Apple store. This exciting format includes the audio, embedded on the page with the music.
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